In point and chronalogical order:
-Slept in till around 11. mmm sleep
-gosh...what did I do till 2...
-worked 3-10:30...during this time I saw Caleb and Hannah *she does exist!*, saw Candace *she's an amazing person* and Dave *commuter director at school*
-talked to Jason online for a long time and discovered Mat Kearney
-around 1 in the morning I did the Daveo Smile thing
-Got, around 10 I think
-woundered around my house and talked to my mom
-Managed to get a paper down for monday
-Picked up to go to maia's B-day party...
-6:15 started Ice skating...saw RON GLOVER *hahaha i had a HUGE crush on this kid when i was in grade 9, he was in grade 12*
-Made a little kid fall, he accadently cut me off and it scared me so I sort of screamed and this in turn scared him and he biffed it. yes, i laughed
-after skating we went to Sarah and Christians house for fondue and to celebrate some more...
-played taboo...yeah aparantly I suck, I got minus 3 ...*sigh
- Got told i was responsible for russian policee officers deaths because I cause awkward moments by ben
- went home and thought deeply about my life and my relationship with God
- Got up and taught sunday school for 9:30, I'm sure my girls think i'm crazy hahaha
- went to the service *for the past three weeks i've been at other churchs for my philosophy of worship class
- did some "fellowshipping"
- came home, had lunch, read some stuff for school and took an hour nap *I love sleep*
- Got up and went to my niece and nephews birthday party
- ate some food, watched a bit of Charlie and the Chocolate factory, goofed off with my siblings and had an all around good time
- caught the 8 oclock showing of HARRY POTTER & THE GOBLET OF FIRE, *loved it*, sat next to a weird man that woudnt' stop talking or tapping his toes...and when I first got there talked with a horribly fake english accent and told me that my dickies purse was brilliantly english *oh really, i thougth to myself*, watched the movie totally enthralled and missing england terribly I found myself wishing to be back there, or filming a movie * I have random thoughts*
- didnt' get home till 11. took a shower and i'm here...procrastinating on sleep only because I knwo when I wake up in the morning it will be early, dark and school will be a mere 25 minute drive away...*shudder*
...oh i forgot to mention my insesant muttering of "good morning sunshine the earth says hello!" it's willy wonka and my sisters fault!