Saturday, November 19, 2005

"The Daveo Photo Smile"

The following pictures were snapped after long and grueling hours of training, who was her trainer you ask...non other than Daveo. Feast your eyes on the "daveo photo smile" brought to you by non other than moi...

...and you too can have the "daveo photo smile" just visit his blog!


In other news...I totally saw Caleb today *gasp!*


Megs said...

ooooooook. i'm a little scared of myself...maybe getting a lip job wasn't such a good idea.

Janice said...

WHAT how did you see caleb and not tell me about it! grrr. oh well i'm in seattle, nothing i could do...maybe i'll stop at his house on the way home. maybe i'll stop at your house on the way home...

° ÐãVeØ ° said...

Haha! Silly Megglesworth.
You look kind of angry in those bottom too!
And I was honestly like, 'Why the heck did she put on a ton of lipstick to do my smile???'
Funny though. Very funny.

Megs said... it wasn't lipstick it was wax lips...and I did the smiles late last night/early morning. But i decided the wax lip one was a little too freaky for me so I erased it FOREVER dun dun dun...

° ÐãVeØ ° said...

Forever you say???

...don't think so mate.

(p.s. my word verification is 'bibpee')