I know i just misquoted The Sandlot because it's really YOU'RE killing me smalls. hahaha i know i'm a dork, get over it.
So what's killing me you ask?
hmmm perhaps it's my lack of adventure...I have NO trips coming up NO exciting plans for this year, oh 2007 what will you hold....*crickets*....oh really?
usually i have something pushing me with great anticipation...a trip, a visit, a journey, a great summer, relaxation, adventure...something! But alas there is nothing in sight right now. so far it's, life at school and chapters. woo woo. I want to drive to oregon, visit some of the coolest people i've had the priveledge to know...hmmmmmmmmm perhaps that's what i'll do! During spring break!! I won't pick up shifts HECK NO, i'll dump them allll....and run away!!!!!
Megan I am moving to England! Maia told me to tell you. I guess I haven't told that many people of my overseas plans but yeah I leave in May or June (I don't have that part figured out yet)
Yes, go adventuring!! And hey, we'll do some 'local' adventures this year. Camping, maybe a trip to Victoria?! Let's do it!! :)
Megs Sunday works for me. YEAH!
COME TO OREGON!!! yaaay. come on spring break to San Francisco with Josh and Ben and me and... maybe more people like Janell!!!! I love love love youuuuuu.
ditto Ditto DITTO!!! *sigh*
p dot s dot I totally got the title reference because I heart The sandlot!
adventure is definitely a good thing. I find in the dreary weather of the north, encouragement for leaving the four walls of containment is hard to find in oneself. But today, I will embark on an adventure of my own. i will walk around on sunday morning and wander into a church in a strange town, and greet what comes my way.
You're gonna come visit me in England!! Yay!
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