Friday, October 31, 2008

the overwhelming feeling has settled in for the night

Wow! I can't believe I've been a pastor for two weeks! It's been a totally interesting ride! Ups and downs but a lot of excitment and phrases that sound like..." I can't believe I get paid to hang out with kids/go to ..." the list goes on! that's the incredible part. Yesterday though was the dude before me's last day in the office and once he left the onus of it all really hit me. But the Lord has been reminding me why he has brought me to this place, what its' truly about and to go slow. Man our God is good!

Today, yes halloween day I picked up the keys to my apartment!! I have an apartment! I'm not just renting a room from a friend, but I have an apartment...a very empty one but it's there! And now I need a roomate like asap!


1 comment:

Elleah said...

Glad to hear things are going well! :)