Sunday, October 08, 2006

...praising under pressure...

...well today was my thanksgiving day celebration. I love thanksgiving. this one on the other hand was incredibly hard. My grandma had surgury last tuesday to remove cancer in her colon. we thought she was ok, then thursday she had a heartattack, then again we thought she was going to be ok. friday a lung collapsed or somehting. then it was going to be ok. THEN Today after church i found out she was not well at all. she had mass amounts of fluid on her lungs, and her heart was not able to get oxeygen to her body. When my mom called she said we should probably come to see her. So, mandy and I prepared everything for dinner and just left it and went to see grandma.. everyone mostly was there...anyways, her doctor told us essentially that the medicine was keeping her alive but that it woudln't work forever, three hours to six days he said. so we came home had dinner, then planned on going back. while at home we got hte call that she was actually doing better and that all her stats were up and such. i took mom in anyways and we stayed for a while, then essentially got kicked out. only one visitor over night. my auntie was gonna stay. *SIGH* it's been a looong hard day. i'm tired. my eyes are stinging. and i have a migraine. alas God is still worthy of praise and I truly am thankful on this day.


Pamela Joy said...

Aw man, that's hard. I'm going to pray for you right now.

Allison said...

Megan, I'm sorry - that must be so hard. I'm praying for you and your fam.

QueenBee said...

Oh my Megan that's really sad - I'm so sorry. I'll be praying for you and your family. All I can say is take your comfort and strength from God. He's standing right next to you.

Josh said...

oh. goodness. you are now on the parayer list.