Thursday, August 31, 2006

Honestly!? MAN ALIVE!!!

...this was my reaction tonight as I recieved the news that my nephew was in the emergency room recieving a cast on his broken arm!!! ...yep that's right kids, another family member to be added on the list! It's sooo weird...I was actually really troubled by the fact that it seems that one by one my family members are being taken to the hospital but i'm doing ok now. Going to the movies really helped...

I saw "Accepted" and honestly, it made me laugh soo much, it was just a really good comedy that I didn't feel "bad" watching. So funny... hahah yeah.

Also I'm gonng start writing a book... "Jesus Loves You but Everyone Else Thinks Your An Idiot" ...I'll tell you my thoughts of today and where this tittle came from ...but that will be for another time.


Dr. Coopernicus Who said...

i can't help but think i've somehow inspired that title...

Anonymous said...

aunty megan thank you for thinking of me! I'm alright just alittle sore.

Love Isaac

Flip Flops Anonymous said...

I'm diggin the title (and the idea behind it). You should definately write the book!! I will arrange your book signing session (and be the first in line)!! Seriously Megsy, your family should just all park themselves in the waiting room of the hospital and NOT MOVE!! Hahaha. I will be praying for your fam and for those of you who have, at this point, been protected ;) Dum dum know who you are!! I love you SO much Megs...where would I be w/o you?! Seriously tho!