At this very moment I am listening to Damien Rice. He has a beautiful voice. He reminds me of those beautiful days at capernwray when I'd spend time with my beautiful ladies in room 4. Helga would be complaining about our music saying that it wasn't so beautiful. Jayne would be lying on her bed eating some sort of beautiful digestive cookie. Allison, Pam and I would be sitting on pammy and I's bed that we had so beautifully set up. This, this was beauty in a way I've never experienced it. Complete strangers becoming family.
**wow so there was nestalgia for ya oh's not done! I can't help it, music has a way of making all these memories and emotions rush to the surface of your cognitive self. Pam introduced me to Damien and Damien reminds me of Pam and all the time the room 4 gals shared together. AH there was this one night where Helga told us an Icelandic fairy tale, in Icelandic then in was freaky! Oh man, we had fun that night. we had a lot of fun most nights.
Awe! now i'm talking to Evan online. Dang it I haven't talked to that kid since end of school. three cheers for Evan just cuz we all know he's a flippin radicule kid!
Anyways i shall return to write about my life here in BC soon, after all you know life at cape..but what you dotn know is life in BC! ...well some of you. HA
the girls in room 4 WISH they could be the girls in room 3...haha i loved our little corner and that dang door that never stayed shut. i crashed into that thing so many times...
Evan's alive??? Is he still with Meredith? What's his email on MSN? I too want to talk with that great guy!
Ok, so just wanted to point out that all the girls in Rooms 3 and 4 wanted to date us guys from Room Thir-ee. Although the ginger one already got taken.
The girls in room 4 didn't want to be anyone but who we were - that is why we didn't sleep in anyone else's room the WHOLE semester. Not one single night was our room missing a girl nor did we ever add a girl. We were complete in ourselves. The girls in room 4 were family, like a real family. Not just friends and not just roommates stuck together but a real live organicly working family. We were very diverse but that's why were loved each other so much. I wish we were there right now. I wish Helga was moaning on her bed about the run she'd just taken, and Jayne was writing a letter on her bed and Ally and Meggy and I were spooning on our bed. I miss you Meg. Those first 3 months really were beautiful in a way that few things ever are.
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