Tuesday, November 21, 2006

tonight i read a friends blog and could relate all too well...and i sort of just went off...it was a comment ment to encourage but turned into me just spewing my thoughts...

currently i am sitting on my bed, cross-legged, surrounded by almost a dozen books about the emerging church, worship, life cycles and young adult ministry. my thoughts are too many to single one out. my pressures are too many to push any aside. my failed attempt at an extention loomes on my heart and the thought of failure perueses through the other complicate senarios in my mind. i want to do anything but what i have to do. i want to have a conversation with someone without one eye on the door waiting for my life to snatch me away. life, i feel as though i'm not really living it merely trudging through it...yet all that i am in i chose. i chose school, thus i have to work, i chose the various ministry positions, the play...what have i done?

..hahaha it all sounds hopeless yet it's not. there is hope. i mean i'm going to be done this semester in like 3 weeks....these assignments wont be there for the rest of my life. and one day i will be able to be normal again!!


QueenBee said...

Oh Megan, my Megan...I'm sorry that you are feeling overwhelmed - but you are right and it won't last much longer...one day at a time chickadee

Flip Flops Anonymous said...

school sucks...throw rocks at it (hahaha...this coming from the 'teacher' ;))

JK said...

FRIEND!!! You are Alive!!! It's so good to find you again. Good luck in school....it's almost done and then you will be able to breathe again. Just remember this mantra "I can get through this". It's helped me on numerous occasions. Love ya hon! JK