Thursday, December 13, 2007

.as Christians we cheapen God.

.... upon reading that, it may seem like a harsh statmen however after talking to my roomate about some friends, and the difference she's noticed between SOME Christians and those who don't claim to know God I began thinking.

At times I think we bring God into things, prayer especially, as a sweet coating to cover over scars and issues, to seem like we care yet it is only to "deal" with it. we may even have the best intentions to pray for people when they ask or to pray for them when we hear about crappy situations. And dont get me wrong prayer is essential and beautiful and a deep connection with the Lord. However we throw the thought of it out there with little meaning. We cheapen God by bringing him into things without meaning it.

i think at times, we may not know how to deal with something, or how to react, so we throw out the I'll pray for you and then jet. man alive prayer is key! BUT we are called to be Christ to the hurting. Christ never used prayer as an escape goat! we may not have all the answers, we may have nothing to say but for crying in the soup kitchen lets not use prayer to get us out of genuinly caring for people! i'm' not saying this is what we're always doing when we say we'll pray for you. it's not. YET lets be so intentional about praying with people right then and there, for genuinly praying out of care and love for that person, pray because it is all you can think of to do but not because you dont know what else to say!

also i think we should follow up, if we pray for someone, ask how they are doing, a couple of days later, a week, a month later!!

anyways thanks for reading my mini-rant/ thought's more for myself I suppose. I no longer want to cheapen our Lord.

Monday, December 10, 2007

i ... want....

..... this one actaully, seriously I think i was suppose to be

in this musical...
and no it's not JUST so I could dance and sing with someone such as this...
... i'm being vulnerable with you here... I REALLY REALLY love to sing and dance and musicals are seriously so rad to me. Oooh one day my dream will come true ONE DAY!
who's who behind the do!??! MEGAN HAZELTON!!!!

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Whilst having a conversation with a friend they asked me where Capernwray Hall was and I proceded to describe where it was .... which led me to think of Carnforth which ultimatley made me think of the Carnforth bookshop! My favorite bookshop in the world. SO I googled it and found it!!!

"About the book
storeCarnforth Bookshop was established in 1977 and today it has over 100,000 Second Hand and Antiquarian books situated in 14 rooms on the 2nd and 3rd floors. The bookstore also buys books and book collections. If you are unable to find a desired book in the shop, the staff can provide a no obligation, free book search service. Carnforth bookshop also has an extensive selection of new books (located on the ground floor), they also stock a wide range of cards, gifts, toys, art materials and stationery. "

This is not the bookstore but the carnforth train station. the first place I was at in carnforth. After a long day of traveling by myself from Vancouver Canada, to Heathrow London, to Gatwick Manchester then finally to Carnforth!! Seriously I remeber being soo nervous at the station, struggling to get out a 25pence coin to let the school know i had arrived. You see I was late getting to school..but that's another story... so there outside the station I awaited my ride. .. which again is another story involving cars on the wrong side of the road, a crazy swedish driver and my first driving experience in englad. NEAR DEATH.

Oh the strip! I can just smell carnforth air...and the smell of all the shops, the feel of the streets...AHHH i miss it!

I purchased a complete works of Shakespeare in the Carnforth was from 1898 or something crazy like that. It's beautiful!
Well perhaps one day in the near future I will be back in good ol' Carnforth