Tuesday, May 09, 2006

OK so it's been a rough couple weeks, i'm not going to lie! BUT this weekend my sisinlaw had a baby boy first name Hayden..middle names...Austen and Heinz *it was her dad's name* Hayden makes me an aunt sixes time over now!

PLUS i'm going to DISNEYLAND in 3 SLEEPS...TWO DAYS!!!


Pamela Joy said...

Disneyland?! yay! i've never been. Someday...

Josh said...

are you sure it will be three sleeps... I'd be too excited to sleep.

Pastor Evan said...

yeah disneyland! i have been and just have one suggestion to you. do not eat a giant pickle and drink a lemonade then go on the teacups and spin around as fast as possible.

Justin N said...

Ok, a little belated but: THANK YOU FOR THE FLIPPIN SWEET FRIGGIN SOCKS!! I wore the Sponge Bobs when I got home around the house. Nice. Really nice. The monkey socks... well... I duno man, those are gonna have to ride the bench with the "Cutie" socks for a lil, maybe I'll warm up to em. haha.

how's life?

Leslie Puiras said...

awww good for you darling one!! I have a cousin Hayden.. that's weird huh? What an unusual but great name!