Can you believe it Baby D is three!!!!! Man alive, fiestier than ever and cuter by the moment! We all gathered on saturday *praise be that I had booked it off of work* to celebrate her birth. Man, I really love my family and miss
them lots. Today I called my mom to talk to her about a youth event and she was like "oh how are you doing?!" and I was like "Eeeep sorry I can't talk mom!" ...see I live with her, yet i'm never home thus i never see her. I have to phone her to talk to her. hahaha oh dear. 

Oh you are so right - what a cutie!
Oh Baby D...gosh, I remember when Erica was PREGNANT with her!! WEIRD!! She is most certainly a Hazelton BECAUSE SHE IS CRAZY!!! *just like her Auntie* ;)
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