What to write about tonight....
Last night was the girls all-nighter at youth. We had 33 girls and 6, well 7 leaders including me. It was a lot of fun, and had some good connecting points with various youth.
My heart for these young girls is that they would truly see how beautiful God created them, that they have worth in Him. There are a few as well that just hound on each other, almost weekly I have to talk to them. I need wisdom in this situation, because it can't go on like this. They hurtful things that they say will stay with them for their lives. If you ask almost anyone I'm sure they can remember something hurtful that someone said to them when the were in gr.6-8. It's so sad.
It's fun to these events, because I get to do things that I love to do and can't always. Like have crazy dance party's! It was a really fun night, I got a friend to come in and teach hip hop for an hour, we played crazy all around the church games, had a mini campfire that included, worship, a story, mini devo and camp songs! We watched a movie at 1:30am, we had random dance parties (whenever I played girls just want to have fun) and we hopefully formed memories that will last forever.
There are moments when i just miss being a youth leader and the freedom in that to devote your attention to the youth, and forgo all the responsibility of dealing with parents, details and such.
But I'm diggin' my role, and am thankful that I am where I am.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
I was totally asleep by 11:00...I'm sure m
y mind drifted into sleep by like 10:53 or something. Then I got a text at 11:15....
Normally that wouldn't be a bad thing, I would m
erely turn over and fall back asleep. EXCEPT. I find if I am woken up like 15-2omin after I've fallen asleep I can't merely drift back into glorious sleep! As I tossed and turned trying to rid my mind of all the stuff that flooded my mind my phone rang! Arg, didn't know the number, they didnt' leave a message...I'm gonna 411 it. So yes, then I got up, went pee, got a few bowls for the girls all-nighter I'm planning for youth that I had thought about while trying to wrestle sleep, went back to bed, tossed and turned, rolled my eyes in frustration, turned on my light, read, and now I'm here.
Anyways I don't mind that people text or called, reall
y, because normally I would totally still be awake. It's just that I was so tired. and my plan failed. Thus my facebook reads "
the only problem with a night owl going to bed early is

no one expects it..."
Sigh. It is now 12:24...
Perhaps I'll be asleep before 1am?!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
I want to live a good story.
I'm currently reading Donald Miller's "A Million Miles in a Million Years." He's currently talking about what makes a good story.
I want to live out a good story. I want to provide a good story for others.
I got totally distracted by FB chat...silly thing, FB.
My plan was to be asleep by 10:30. I was reading in bed, had to pee, got up and when I came back in my room I opened my lappy again. Bad move.
Anyways, it's a shocker to me that I'm going to be in bed before 1am, but I'm SO exausted tonight, it hit around 3pm and I can't shack it. well it's now 10:41...new goal to be asleep by 11.
Sunday, January 24, 2010

Shhhh. I should be sleeping, but I snuck on the internet to rediscover my blog. Don't tell my tomorrow morning self because she'll be mad when she's ridiculously tired at 6:45!
So it's been six months since I've written, wow, freakin' eh. Time flies. *Sigh*
It's odd really, how fast it goes. Just disappears. *poof*
Here is are some things that are "Current" in my life:
Currently listening: to Dashboards newest album "After the ending", just picked it up today, already a fan. (Current as in the last month: Glee soundtracks, one republic, muse, switchfoot, owl city, paper tongue.)
Currently reading: HP & the philosopher's stone. Just finished "The Outsiders" and am about to embark on an adventure through other High School Curriculum classics.
Currently watching: Nothing quite yet. Just finished watching Season 3 of Heroes: I just wanted to give Sylar a hug the whole time, through my hands up and yell "YATTA!"
Currently planning for work: Girls All-nighter at youth, we're having a campout...tents, fake fire and trees and the whole shabang in the gym. Talk on the OT = Epic Stories.
Current hair: Short inverted bob, dark with blonde chunk.
Current age: 26... taking some time to get used to that one.
Current travel plans: March - NYC. May - Missions to ...wait for it...Hawaii.
Current favorite Restaurant: Earls! I had a personal vendetta against Earls since like gr.10 however this was broken upon trying them again in Dec. and discovering there chicken, bree, apple, fig jelly sandwhich!
Current Facebook Status:
Megan Hazelton
should probably not watch anymore HSM. She had TWO dreams about Zac Effron last night...
Current Tweet: Listening to Dashboards latest and ignoring my tired eyes. 25 minutes ago
Current Fear: Failure...
Current Lesson: That no matter how solid a youth is - solid family, loves God, serves etc - they're still in need of guidance, prayer and love.
Current battle: Feeling like I'm called to be grounded for a time such as this, yet desiring to be off having a distant adventure.
Current status: Single. I'm not the type to put my life on hold because I'm not married, nor do I feel that my life or ministry is incomplete because there is not a solid man by my side YET I pray that there would be one there soon.
Current shoe of choice: Zebra print Sanuk's
Current Sweater of Choice: purple/white stripped AA sweater
Current Magazine: Relevant
Currently have tickets for: Muse (April.1), Owl City (April 2)
Amount of sleep I'd get if I went to sleep in 45 min = 4.75 hours.
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